Topic of Invited talk
1. Electrophoretic Deposition Process and Nanocomposites;
2. Atmospheric Continuous Plasma Polymerization and Natural Fiber Composites;
3. Resin Transfer Molding Technology.
Dr. Byung Sun Kim joined the Composites Research Center (CRC), Korea Institute of Materials Science (KIMS) in 1991 and also is a Professor in the Department of Advance Materials, Korea University of Science & Technology. He is current Director of Global Research Laboratory (GRL) program between CCM of Univ. of Delaware and CRC of KIMS on “Advanced Hybrid Micro/nanocomposites for Structural and Multifunctional Applications”. He received his Ph.D. in Dept. of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering from Missouri University of Science & Technology, on “Polymeric Composite Tube Mold Design and Hygrothermal Stress Analysis of Composite Tubes.” In 2007, he was awarded of Korean Presidential Commendation for excellence in research into the structural design and processing of Composite Materials. He was the president of Korean Society for Composite Materials (2012-2013) and he is an Executive Council Member of International Committee on Composite Materials (ICCM) (2013-2015).