Topic of Invited talk
Bio-Inspiration-A New Path to Reach Multifunctional Nanomaterials
Dr Ziqi Sun is a Senior Lecturer at School of Chemistry, Queensland University of Technology. He obtain his Ph.D degree in 2009 from Chinese Academy of Sciences. After that, he moved to National Institute for Materials Science in Japan, and working as a Postdoctoral Fellow from 2009 to 2010. His research is mainly about the Bio-Inspiration Materials.
Dr Geng is the author of over 100 science publications mainly as full, refereed original research papers published at international quality chemistry and materials science journals. He has made a number of scientific discoveries and inventions, including 12 patents filed up at UK national, European and the international level, in the field of metal nanocatalysts and nanostructured carbon materials. Several of his inventions have been adopted by UK industry and successfully commercialised into market products since 2004.